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How to Solve Perkins 1106D EPG CID 1785 FMI 10 Trouble?

Perkins 1106D electric power generation trouble code CID 1785 FMI repair solution.

Perkins 1106D EPG Engine CID 0172 FMI 04 Trouble Code Solution
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Conditions Which Generate This Code:
This diagnostic code is designed to detect the loss of the 5 Volt supply at the sensor connector.
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
• The engine speed is more than 1000 rpm.
• The intake manifold pressure is within the acceptable range.
• No 0262 codes for the 5 Volt supply are active.
• Diagnostic code 0168-01 is not active.

System Response:
If equipped, the diagnostic lamp will flash and the derate lamp will come on. The diagnostic code will be logged.


The ECM will flag the intake manifold pressure as being invalid. A default value is used for the intake
manifold pressure.
Note: Any open circuits or short circuits in the signal wire for the oil pressure may reset this diagnostic.

Possible Performance Effect:
For engines with an electronically controlled wastegate, the current for the wastegate solenoid
will be set to a default value while this code is active.

This will cause the engine to have poor acceleration but the default setting will prevent any overpressure in the intake manifold which could be caused by an overspeed of the turbocharger.
The engine will be derated.

This diagnostic code will detect the loss of the 5 Volt supply to the sensor.
Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circuit – Test”

• OK – STOP.