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How to Use JPRO to Perform DPF Ash Accumulator Reset for Detroit DD15 Engine

Here is the illustration show you guide on how to use JPRO diagnostic software to do DPF Ash accumulator reset for Detroit DD15 engine.


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JPRO Noregon Commercial Fleet Diagnostics 2024

Noregon JPRO DLA+ 2.0 Adapter


The DPF Ash Accumulator Reset is supported on:
✓ Detroit Diesel EPA 07 Series 60 and DD15 engines
✓ Detroit Diesel GHG17 and newer with Engine Software Version:

o App_040B o App_040D o App_040E o App_0410
o App_0411 o App_2104 o App_2105 o App_2107
o App_2108 o App_2109

and MCM Software Version:

o mcm_0x06DB o mcm_0x06DE o mcm_0x06ED o mcm_0x06EF
o mcm_0x06F2 o mcm_0x06F6

and ACM Software Version:

o acm_0x0232 o acm_0x0236 o acm_0x023E o acm_0x0250
o acm_0x024E


This service routine synchronizes the ash volume between the CPC and ACM and resets the DOC/DPF temperature accumulators.
It should be used when performing one of the following actions:
o Installing a cleaned or remanufactured filter.
o Installing a new filter due to failure.
o Replacing an ACM


1 Select DPF Ash Accumulator Reset and press Enter or press Start Button.
2 The DPF Ash Accumulator Reset dialog will be displayed.

How to Use JPRO to Perform DPF Ash Accumulator Reset for Detroit DD15 Engine (1)

3 If reset is due to filter changes, select “Installing a clean or remanufactured installation or new filter installation due to failure” option and enter the required serial number(s). Depending on the ECU, only 1 serial number may be required. After entering the serial number(s), click the Set Ash Volume button.
4 The user will be asked to verify and confirm the operation. Click Yes to proceed.

How to Use JPRO to Perform DPF Ash Accumulator Reset for Detroit DD15 Engine (2)

5 If reset is due to changing an ACM, select “ACM replacement” option and click the Set Ash Volume button. The user will be asked to verify and confirm the operation. Click Yes to proceed.

How to Use JPRO to Perform DPF Ash Accumulator Reset for Detroit DD15 Engine (3)

6 During the procedure, the progress and status message will be displayed in the progress box. The Close button will be temporary disabled until the procedure completes.
7 After the procedure completes, the Progress box will indicate the results of the requested action. If successful,the Progress box will display a success message. Otherwise, it will display the error message.
8 Press Close button when ready to exit this test and return to the test selection dialog.


More topics about JPRO Diagnostic,please refer to:JPRO Diagnostics Guide

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How to Solve Doosan Machine Jammed Valve of Throttle Valve Open P02E4

Here is the illustration show you guide on how to solve Doosan machine P02E4 Jammed valve of throttle valve (open) trouble codes.



Doosan Data Monitoring System DMS-5

Doosan Diagnostic Tool

[06.2023] Doosan DDT SCR+DPF+DCU+ECU Diagnostic Tool




SPN 3464
FMI 12



Jammed control valve



SVS Torque Limit 25%

How to Solve Doosan Machine Jammed Valve of Throttle Valve Open P02E4 (1)


2) Circuit Description
5V Supply : 234 Pin
DC Motor – : 229 Pin
GND : 240 Pin
Signal : 215 Pin
DC Motor + : 205 Pin

3) Component Location

How to Solve Doosan Machine Jammed Valve of Throttle Valve Open P02E4 (2)


4) Condition for Running Diagnostic
Key on or Engine run


5) Condition for Setting the Fault Code
A persistent governor deviation is detected

6) Condition for Clearing the Fault Code
Healing is not possible in the current driving cycle.

How to Solve Doosan Machine Jammed Valve of Throttle Valve Open P02E4 (3)

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QSK60 G CM2350 Engine Start Enable Device 1 Circuit (Ether Injection) Error

Here is the instruction show you guide on how to solve QSK60 G CM2350 Start Enable Device 1 Circuit (Ether Injection) – Root Cause Not Known.


What You Need?

Cummings Insite 8.9.2

Cummings inline6 diagnostic adapter




Fault Code: 1373
PID: S237
SPN: 626
FMI: 11/11
LAMP: Maintenance



An open or short circuit has been detected on the ether injection circuit.



Ether start functionality will be disabled.

Engine may not start or may be difficult to start

QSK60 G CM2350 Engine Start Enable Device 1 Circuit (Ether Injection) Error

Circuit Description

The ether injection circuit is a device used by the engine to control the ether injection operation. The ether injection circuit utilizes a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal. A PWM signal is pulsed voltage signal between 0-VDC and system voltage. The frequency of the pulsed voltage signal is dependent on the application requirement.


Component Location

The control solenoid location varies by OEM. Refer to the appropriate OEM service manual to determine the location.


Conditions for Running the Diagnostics

This diagnostic runs when the keyswitch is in the ON position and when the pulse width modulated (PWM) device is getting energized or de-energized. In some cases, the diagnostics can also run at some fixed intervals.


Conditions for Setting the Fault Codes

The ether injection circuit pulse width modulated (PWM) signal voltage was greater than 0-VDC when the PWM signal was turned off by the ECM.

The ether injection circuit pulse width modulated (PWM) signal was not at system voltage when the PWM signal was turned ON.


Action Taken When the Fault Code is Active

The ECM illuminates the white MAINTENANCE lamp or flashes the amber CHECK ENGINE lamp, indicating a maintenance condition, immediately after the diagnostic runs and fails.

The ether injection operation will be disabled.


Conditions for Clearing the Fault Code

To validate the repair, perform a key cycle, and leave the key in the ON position for 1 minute.

The fault code status displayed by the recommended Cummings electronic service tool or equivalent will change to INACTIVE immediately after the diagnostic runs and passes.

The ECM will turn off the flashing amber CHECK ENGINE lamp / MAINTENANCE lamp immediately after the diagnostic runs and passes.


The “Reset All Faults” command in the recommended Cummings electronic service tool or equivalent can be used to clear active and inactive faults.

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How to Connect Hitachi MPDr Diagnostic Cable to Hitachi Excavator Machine

How to Connect Hitachi MPDr Diagnostic Cable to Hitachi Excavator Machine (1)

Here is the instruction show you guide on how to connect Hitachi MPDr diagnostic cable to Hitachi excavator machine.


Tool you need?

2024 HITACHI AllinOne Tool 3.13 with MPDR 3.32+Security 3.17

Hitachi Dr.ZX Excavator Diagnostic Tool Cable



Cable Connection
1 Connect a personal computer installing MPDr. to the connector in the cab (refer to the below illustration) with a USB serial cable, an interlink cross cable, and a connecting harness.

2 Turn the key switch ON or start the engine.

Connecting Harness
Part No.: 3108613 (ZX-5/ZW-5/ZX-3/ZW)
Interlink Cross Cable
Part No.: 4668565
Please locally procure an USB serial cable.

How to Connect Hitachi MPDr Diagnostic Cable to Hitachi Excavator Machine (1)

ZX-3 Series (Except US, USR)
Wheel Excavator

How to Connect Hitachi MPDr Diagnostic Cable to Hitachi Excavator Machine (2)

ZX-3 US and USR Series

How to Connect Hitachi MPDr Diagnostic Cable to Hitachi Excavator Machine (3)

ZX-5 Series
Crawler Excavator

How to Connect Hitachi MPDr Diagnostic Cable to Hitachi Excavator Machine (4)

ZX-6 Series

How to Connect Hitachi MPDr Diagnostic Cable to Hitachi Excavator Machine (5)

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Caterpillar Machine Injector Solenoid and Valve Actuator Test by CAT ET

CAT ET Injector Solenoid Test function can be used to verify the operation of the injector solenoid on one or all cylinders. Similarly, the Intake Valve Actuator Solenoid test can be used to verify the operation of the intake valve actuator solenoid on one or all cylinders. These tests provide a method for finding wiring or solenoid problems, and they are performed in the same manner. When either test is completed, the data can be analyzed to determine if all of the cylinders are running effectively.


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Caterpillar CAT ET 2024A

CAT Comm Adapter 3

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To run the Injector Solenoid Test, select “Diagnostic Tests” from the Diagnostics Menu, and then select “Injector Solenoid Test” from the sub-menu. The test screen is displayed.


To run the Intake Valve Actuator Solenoid test, select “Diagnostic Tests” from the Diagnostics Menu, and then select “Intake Valve Actuator Solenoid Test” from the submenu. The test screen is displayed.


Screen Layout

The Test Screen has the following areas:


Tree Area

The Injector Solenoid Test Tree area lists the available ECMs and the selected diagnostic test.

Note: If more than one diagnostic test is available, the selected test will be highlighted.

Note: The Tree Area is not available when performing the Injector Solenoid test on the ATA data link.


Display Area

The Display Area has three columns:

Cylinder/Description – Lists the available cylinder numbers

Mode – Displays the current mode of the cylinder; i.e., whether it is “Powered” or “Cutout”

Test Result – Displays “Open,” “Short,” or “OK” after the test has completed



The Buttons available on Test screen are:

Change – Click to change the state of the cylinder. Changing the state of the cylinder allows solenoid troubleshooting by “cutting out” and subsequently repowering an individual cylinder.

Power All – Click to return all cylinders to the powered, or active, state.

Cutout All – Click to change the state of all cylinders to cutout.

Start – Click to begin the test. Once clicked, this button is disabled until the test is stopped.

Stop – Click to stop the test. Once clicked, this button is disabled until the test is restarted.

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Perkins 1106D Engine Power CID 0342 FMI 08 Trouble Repair

Perkins 1106D EPG Engine CID 0172 FMI 04 Trouble Code Solution

There is the instruction show you guide on how to solve Perkins 1106D engine power generation CID 0342 FMI 08.

Perkins 1106D EPG Engine CID 0172 FMI 04 Trouble Code Solution

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Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
• The signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor is lost and/or intermittent.
• The signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor was lost for at least 2 seconds while the signal

from the primary speed/timing sensor remained valid and the engine was running.
• Diagnostic code 0168-01 is not active.
• The engine has been running for more than 3 seconds.
• No 0041 diagnostic codes are active.

System Response:
If equipped, the diagnostic lamp will flash and the diagnostic code will be logged.

Possible Performance Effect:
If the signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor is lost and the engine is stopped, the engine will not restart. The performance will not be affected unless both speed signals are lost. The loss of the signals from both speed/timing sensors will cause the ECM to shut down the engine.

This diagnostic code indicates that the signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor is incorrect.

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit – Test”


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Detroit Diesel GHG17 Measuring Fuel Pressure Using Fuel System Integrity Check

Detroit Diesel GHG17 Measuring Fuel Pressure Using Fuel System Integrity Check (2)

Detroit Diesel GHG17 Low Pressure Fuel System – Measuring Fuel Pressure Using Fuel System Integrity Check – Two-Filter Fuel System


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DDDL 8.19 2024

Nexiq USB Link 2 Adapter


Note : KM59 GEN1 fuel filter module return lines are secured to the module with banjo bolts.

Note : KM63 GEN2 fuel filter module return lines are secured to the module with a mounting plate attached to the PLV return line.

This procedure is used to measure and record fuel pressures in the low pressure side of the fuel system at given locations and rpm. Once completed, it will provide electronic results that can be viewed in a DDDL log file.

Note : Step 1 only applies to the KM59 Gen 1 fuel system. For a KM63 Gen 2 fuel system, begin the test with step 2.

Check as follows:

1 For KM59 Gen 1 systems only , install tool number W470589099100 Fuel Pressure Test Plug into the high pressure flange. Refer to Tool Letter 11 TL-9 for installation instructions.

2 For KM59 Gen 1 fuel systems and KM63 Gen 2 fuel systems, install tool number W470589149100 Filter Cap w/Test Port. Refer to Tool Letter 12 TL-8 for installation instructions. Inspect the pre-filter at this time. If the filter is plugged, clean or replace only this filter as needed.

3 Connect the DDDL to the vehicle and turn the ignition on. From the “Service Routines,” open the Fuel System Integrity Check tab.

4 Start the Fuel System Integrity Check routine and follow the instructions in DDDL.

5 Monitor the low pressure pump outlet (LPPO) fuel pressure, the fuel compensation pressure and the low pressure pump inlet (LPPI) fuel pressure while the Fuel System Integrity Check routine is running.

Detroit Diesel GHG17 Measuring Fuel Pressure Using Fuel System Integrity Check (1)

6 Add the LPPI fuel pressure values as a user event into the log file. Press CTRL, SHIFT, and space bar at the same time, and add the pressure reading from the gauge.

Detroit Diesel GHG17 Measuring Fuel Pressure Using Fuel System Integrity Check (2)

7 Compare the recorded fuel pressure values with the normal fuel pressures.

8 Return to original troubleshooting. Remove the special tools from the engine after troubleshooting is completed

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QSK60G CM2358 Engine Remote Accelerator Will Not Operate Solution

QSK60G CM2358 Engine Remote Accelerator Will Not Operate Solution

This instruction show you guide on how to solve Cummings QSK60G CM2358 engine remote accelerator can not work.

QSK60G CM2358 Engine Remote Accelerator Will Not Operate Solution



Low voltage detected at remote accelerator position signal circuit.

Remote Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 1 Circuit – Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source


What You Need?

Cummings Insite 8.9.2

Cummings inline6 diagnostic adapter


Circuit Description

The remote accelerator position sensor is a potentiometer attached to the remote accelerator lever. The remote accelerator position sensor varies the signal voltage to the engine control module (ECM) as the remote accelerator lever is depressed and released. Low signal voltage is received by the ECM when the remote accelerator lever is at 0 percent. A high signal voltage is received by the ECM when the remote accelerator is at 100 percent. The remote accelerator pedal position circuit contains a remote accelerator pedal position 5 volt supply, remote accelerator pedal position return, and remote accelerator pedal position signal.


Component Location

The remote accelerator pedal or lever location varies with each original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Refer to the OEM service manual.


Conditions for Running the Diagnostics

This diagnostic runs continuously when the keyswitch is in the ON position.


Conditions for Setting the Fault Codes

The Engine Control Module (ECM) detected the remote accelerator pedal signal voltage was out of range low.


Action Taken When the Fault Code is Active

The ECM illuminates the amber CHECK ENGINE lamp immediately when the diagnostic runs and fails.


Conditions for Clearing the Fault Code

To validate the repair, perform a key cycle, start the engine and let it idle for 1 minute.

The fault code status displayed by the recommended Cummings® electronic service tool or equivalent will change to INACTIVE immediately after the diagnostic runs and passes.

The ECM will turn off the amber CHECK ENGINE lamp immediately after the diagnostic runs and passes.

The “Reset All Faults” command in the recommended Cummings® electronic service tool or equivalent can be used to clear active and inactive faults.

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John Deere PowerTech 9.0 L OEM Engine Turbocharger Assemble Guide

This instruction show you guide on how to assemble turbocharger for John Deere PowerTech 9.0L OEM engine.


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John Deere Service Advisor EDL2

2024 John Deere Service Advisor 5.3.235

John Deere Parts ADVISOR EPC 2024


Assemble Turbocharger
IMPORTANT: If turbocharger failed because of foreign material entering the air intake system,be sure to examine the system and clean as required to prevent a repeat failure.

Visually inspect the charge air cooler and piping for residual oil and clean if necessary. Oil may have accumulated from the failed turbo.

Failure to clean residual oil from the intake system may result in engine failure.
If not previously done, prime (prelube) turbocharger rotating assembly prior to installing turbocharger on engine. Prelube center housing with clean engine oil through oil return (drain) hole.. Turn rotating assembly by hand to lubricate bearings.

NOTE: Two threaded guide studs may be used to hold turbocharger-to-exhaust manifold gasket in place and aid in turbocharger installation. Place guide pins in threaded manifold mounting holes.
1 Install new gasket (A) over guide pins.
2 Position turbocharger on exhaust manifold over guide pins, with compressor inlet (B) facing front of engine.

3. Apply PT569 NEVER-SEEZ® Compound to all turbocharger mounting cap screws. Install 2 cap
screws through exhaust manifold into threaded holes of turbocharger finger tight.
4 Remove guide pins and install remaining 2 cap screws through turbocharger into exhaust manifold finger tight.
5 Tighten 4 cap screws to specification

Install turbocharger oil supply line (C) to oil filter base and turbocharger. Tighten securely.
7 Install oil drain line (D) behind exhaust manifold with flange end toward turbocharger.

8 Install 2 serrated cap screws through flange.
9 Install new gasket over cap screws and install flange end of drain line to turbocharger bearing housing. tighten cap screws to specification.

Turbocharger Oil Return
Line—Torque…………………………………………………………35 N•m ˙ (25 lb-ft)
10 Apply soap lubricant to inside diameter of turbo drain hose.
11 Install drain hose over end of drain line (E). Position tension clamp over hose and line joint.
12 Connect coolant supply line (G) to turbocharger actuator and tighten securely

13 Connect coolant drain line to turbocharger actuator (F) and tighten securely.
14 Connect both sensors to wiring harness (H).
15 Connect air intake and exhaust piping to turbocharger.
Tighten all connections securely. (For vehicle engines,refer to machine Technical Manual.)
IMPORTANT: BEFORE STARTING an engine with a new or repaired turbocharger, crank the engine
over (but do not start) for several seconds to allow engine oil to reach turbocharger bearings.
DO NOT crank engine longer than 30 seconds at a time to avoid damaging starting motor.
16 Start and run engine at low idle while checking oil inlet and air piping connections for leaks.
NEVER-SEEZ is a registered trademark of Emhart Chemical Group

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Deutz EMR4 Counter and EEPROM by Deutz SerDia2010

Deutz EMR4 Counter and EEPROM by Deutz SerDia2010-1

Deutz SerDia2010 counter and EEPROM function is available at higher software version than P_xxx_592_xxx_xxx verfügbar!.And it is is available at Competence Class Level 2.Here show you details.



2023 Deutz Serdia2010

Deutz Diagnostic Kit


Serdia reads the actual Counters from the ECU and shows them.
These counters are:
· Engine hours
· Pressure relief valve counter
· Engine number

Deutz EMR4 Counter and EEPROM by Deutz SerDia2010-1


At the right upper corner of the window following changes can be set: set engine hours

Within the first 50 hours it can be set to zero.
After that they can only be increased! The value is set by pressing the Enter key. pressure relief valve counter

The value is set by pressing the Enter key.
· Reset Injector Correction Valves (ZFL)
· EEPROM-Data handling

In the lower right corner, the EEPROM can be secured.
The data is stored in Serdia folder on the hard disk of the PC.