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DEUTZ EMR3 Engine Control Unit 17/729/ArHt1 Trouble Repair

Here is the instruction show you guide on how to repair Deutz EMR3 engine control unit trouble code 17/729/ArHt1.

Deutz EMR3 engine control unit ArHt1.


2023 Deutz Serdia2010

Deutz DECOM Diagnostic Kit



17 / 729 / ArHt1
Error description AIR HEATER RELAY
Air heater relay: the current drain measured by ECU is out of the target range

Error codes
DEUTZ-Errorcode: 17
BlinkCode (short-long-short): 2 – 6 – 3
SPN: 729

possible FMI:
3: Voltage to high or short circuit to +Ubatt
4: Voltage to low or short circuit to -Ubatt
5: current to low or broken wire
12. Errormode not identifiable

Errorlamp shows permanent light. Entry in errormemory.

Possible reason for error
Cable break or short circuit at EDC output, relay defective,
connection cable demaged

Take actions for error repair
Check cabling, if sensor not working, check relay and if necessary replace it, check connection cable and if necessary repair or replace it

other error properties
System reaction: Warning, shutoff output
Behaviour error lamp: permanent light
Selfhealing: yes
Signal Priority: 2