Detroit Diesel GHG17 Low Pressure Fuel System – Measuring Fuel Pressure Using Fuel System Integrity Check – Two-Filter Fuel System
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Note : KM59 GEN1 fuel filter module return lines are secured to the module with banjo bolts.
Note : KM63 GEN2 fuel filter module return lines are secured to the module with a mounting plate attached to the PLV return line.
This procedure is used to measure and record fuel pressures in the low pressure side of the fuel system at given locations and rpm. Once completed, it will provide electronic results that can be viewed in a DDDL log file.
Note : Step 1 only applies to the KM59 Gen 1 fuel system. For a KM63 Gen 2 fuel system, begin the test with step 2.
Check as follows:
1 For KM59 Gen 1 systems only , install tool number W470589099100 Fuel Pressure Test Plug into the high pressure flange. Refer to Tool Letter 11 TL-9 for installation instructions.
2 For KM59 Gen 1 fuel systems and KM63 Gen 2 fuel systems, install tool number W470589149100 Filter Cap w/Test Port. Refer to Tool Letter 12 TL-8 for installation instructions. Inspect the pre-filter at this time. If the filter is plugged, clean or replace only this filter as needed.
3 Connect the DDDL to the vehicle and turn the ignition on. From the “Service Routines,” open the Fuel System Integrity Check tab.
4 Start the Fuel System Integrity Check routine and follow the instructions in DDDL.
5 Monitor the low pressure pump outlet (LPPO) fuel pressure, the fuel compensation pressure and the low pressure pump inlet (LPPI) fuel pressure while the Fuel System Integrity Check routine is running.
6 Add the LPPI fuel pressure values as a user event into the log file. Press CTRL, SHIFT, and space bar at the same time, and add the pressure reading from the gauge.
7 Compare the recorded fuel pressure values with the normal fuel pressures.
8 Return to original troubleshooting. Remove the special tools from the engine after troubleshooting is completed