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Bobcat Engine P2B8C/P2B8D DEF Pump Motor Internal Duty Low/High

Bobcat Engine P2B8C/P2B8D DEF Pump Motor Internal Duty Low/High-2

1) Overview


1 Electric problem (Supply module connector)
2 Electric problem (Wiring harness DCU to supply module, Supply module)
3 Electric problem (DCU connector, DCU)

Bobcat Engine P2B8C/P2B8D DEF Pump Motor Internal Duty Low/High-1


Related Contents:

Service Analyzer 91.15 for Bobcat Diagnostic Software

2023 Bobcat Engine Analyzer ECU DCU Diagnostic Software


2) Component Location

Bobcat Engine P2B8C/P2B8D DEF Pump Motor Internal Duty Low/High-2


3) Condition for Running Diagnostic
When pump motor is normal
4) Condition for Setting the Fault Code
When the sensor value (raw duty cycle) is less than 4%
5) Condition for Clearing the Fault Code
When the sensor value (raw duty cycle) is greater than 4%
6) Check List

Step Inspection Standard
1 P2B8C/P2B8D is occurred on diagnostic tool? Step 2
2 After let the machine be in safety area and turn
off the key switch
Step 3
3 Check sensor connection
Connection problem?
Do necessary
Step 4
4 Check DCU connection
Connection problem?
Do necessary
Step 5
5 Check the DCU voltage related pin connection and
Pin or connection problem?
Do necessary
Step 6
6 Check continuity and electrical insulation
Electrical problem?
Fix harness Change SM